
Header arguments can be set at different levels of a hierarchy:

  1. Default header arguments (See section 1.1) shipped with Org mode
  2. Default languages-specific header arguments (See section 1.2) shipped with Org mode
  3. Buffer (or file) level header arguments (See section 1.3)
  4. Subtree header arguments (See section 1.4)
  5. Code block header arguments (See section 1.5)
  6. Call line header arguments (See section 1.6)

At the top of the hierarchy, default header arguments shipped with Org mode are the most general of all: they define behavior common to all code blocks, unless set otherwise, inherited by all lower levels.

Header arguments near the bottom of the hierarchy provide behavior more specific to a (group of) code block(s).

Default header arguments shipped with Org mode

  • Variable org-babel-default-header-args for source blocks
  • Variable org-babel-default-inline-header-args for inline code blocks
  • Variable org-babel-default-lob-header-args for #+call lines

These default header arguments can be set by the user:

;; add default arguments to use when evaluating a source block
(add-to-list 'org-babel-default-header-args
             '(:noweb . "yes"))

This can also be done file-wide through the use of file local variables.

Default languages-specific header arguments shipped with Org mode

  • Variable org-babel-default-header-args:emacs-lisp for Emacs Lisp
  • Variable org-babel-default-header-args:R for R
  • Variable org-babel-default-header-args:org for Org
  • Etc.

Header arguments which have different defaults between languages:

Languages :exports :hlines :results
general-purpose languages + *shell* code no replace
*ledger* code no output replace
*org* code no silent raw
*latex* results no latex replace
graphics-only languages results no file replace

These default language-specific header arguments can be changed by the user:

(add-to-list 'org-babel-default-header-args:R
             '(:session . "*org-R*"))

(add-to-list 'org-babel-default-header-args:R
             '((:width . 640) (:height . 640)))

This can also be done file-wide (for certain files) through the use of:

  • property lines (See section 1.3) or
  • file local variables.

Buffer (or file) level header arguments

A #+PROPERTY: line located anywhere in a buffer affects the entire file: it sets a global property.

Don’t forget to `C-c C-c` on these arguments (just one of them in your preamble) to make sure they’re updated before trying another export.

Header arguments can be specified with the header-args property.

For example, when you want to tangle all source blocks in an Org file, include the line:

#+PROPERTY: header-args :tangle yes
Before, **header arguments** could also be specified as **separate properties** (`#+PROPERTY: tangle yes`, for example), but that syntax has been **deprecated** in the commit `90b16870` of 2013-06-23 as that was slower to fetch block properties.

You can also specify multiple header arguments as one Org mode property through the use of:

#+PROPERTY: header-args :results output :cache yes

That can be over-ridden on a per-subtree (See section 1.4) or per-block (See section 1.5) basis.

Any property specification, unless it is postfixed with a `+`, will *reset* the value of that property to its current value.

In the case of two #+PROPERTY: lines for the same property, the property will have the later value.

But there is a general mechanism for the concatenation of property strings (accumulated values):

#+PROPERTY: header-args:R :exports results
#+PROPERTY: header-args:R+ :width 800

Subtree header arguments

In contrast to property lines, a :PROPERTIES: block is only valid for the given tree (and subtrees):

* Outline heading
 :header-args: :results output :cache yes

Code block header arguments

#+header: :exports code :var data=2
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
... some code ...

Call line header arguments

Standard header arguments

The following table lists the standard header arguments that Org Babel uses.

:cache (See section 3) :noweb-ref (See section 17)
:cmdline (See section 4) :noweb-sep (See section 18)
:colnames (See section 5) :padline (See section 19)
:comments (See section 6) :post (See section 20)
:dir (See section 7) :prologue (See section 21)
:epilogue (See section 8) :results (See section 22)
:eval (See section 9) :rownames (See section 23)
:exports (See section 10) :sep (See section 24)
:file (See section 11) :session (See section 25)
:file-desc (See section 12) :shebang (See section 26)
:hlines (See section 13) :tangle (See section 27)
:mkdirp (See section 14) :tangle-mode (See section 28)
:no-expand (See section 15) :var (See section 29)
:noweb (See section 16) :wrap (See section 30)
The argument of any header option can be replaced by an ELisp form – which should return a string (or a list of strings, depending on the case).


Avoids re-evaluating unchanged code blocks.


  • :cache no: (default)

  • :cache yes: Avoids re-evaluating unchanged code blocks by associating a hash of the expanded code block (= code block and parameters) with the results. It allows the results to be returned without having to re-run the code block — unless the code or the input parameters have changed.


In order for caching to work (i.e., no evaluation when triggered either interactively or during export), the results of the code block must be present in the Org mode file: you must first evaluate it manually, leaving the results (with the hash tag) saved within the Org mode file.

Note that same input does not always guarantee the same output, e.g.,


Though, this code block shouldn’t be marked :cache unless the desired (and odd) behavior is to have a datestamp that is only updated when the user forcibly re-evaluates the block (with C-u C-c C-v C-e).


Avoid re-evaluating unchanged code blocks

The following example uses the cache optimization for a very long running code block.

#+begin_src shell :eval yes :results verbatim :cache yes
printf "Please wait (this can take a while)...\n"
sleep 5
printf "Done!\n"

Here is the results block, evaluated within no time, except for the very first time it is run.

Please wait (this can take a while)...

Avoid re-evaluating code blocks unless some process restarts

The following example allows to include the PID of the R process in the results hash, so that the code would be rerun only if the R process (session) restarts.

ps -a | grep "$R" | grep -v 'grep' | awk '{print $2}'

# code to perform side effect
x <- 'side effect'
'done' # add something small to get a results block

See also

:eval (See section 9)
:exports (See section 10)



  • nothing: (default)

  • :cmdline <...>: Pass some command line arguments.


The :cmdline header argument is supported by a couple of languages.


For shell, this allows to make the code inside a Babel code block similar to a real shell script.

echo $2

The script can use $@ for its positional parameters.

echo "$@"

Also, calling the script using #+call is like calling it from another shell script (supplying the value in the call line).


Handles column names in tables.


  • nothing: Removes the header (and the top hline) from the table before processing if the input table looks like it has column names (because its second row is an hline).

  • :colnames no: Don’t strip the header. Re-add headers (post-processing).
    (default for Emacs Lisp code blocks)

  • :colnames yes: Tells Org Babel that your first row contains column names. Applies the code block to the body of the input table.

  • :colnames <LIST>: Specifies to use <LIST> as column names.

  • :colnames '(): Unsets the header argument if set at a higher level.

    Is the same as “none” WHEN NOT SET AT A HIGHER LEVEL.


By default, the first row will be used for column names if followed by a hline XXX???XXX. Without a hline, use :colnames yes.

  Alpha Beta Gamma
First A1 B1 C1
Second A2 B2 C2
Third A3 B3 C3


“Tables” occur in at least three contexts in babel source code blocks. There are input tables, :var mytable, there are “tables” within the code block, represented in R as a dataframe or a matrix, and there are output tables, which are placed in the Org mode buffer as a result.

I use :colnames to keep the column names of input tables associated with the “tables” within the code block, and typically have them represented in the output, whether that is a “table” written to file, or output to the Org mode buffer as an Org mode table, either by default or (more rarely) through use of :results table.

In my experience :results table is mostly useful for coercing a value that babel would otherwise interpret as a scalar into a single element table.


Consider the following input tables, one without column names, one with column names.

1 one
2 two
3 three
num word
1 one
2 two
3 three

Using no :colnames header argument

The following example outputs the table without column names.

1 one
2 two
3 three
1 one
2 two
3 three

Using :colnames no

The following example outputs all the rows of the table, considering there is no column names.

1 one
2 two
3 three
num word
1 one
2 two
3 three

Using :colnames yes

The following example outputs the table with its column names.

echo "$data"

((1 "one") (2 "two") (3 "three"))

Show the labels of the vertical and the horizontal axes

    0 1 2
**org.files** 0 1.00 0.00 0.00
  1 0.00 1.00 1.00
  2 0.00 1.00 3.00

Utility function

(mapcar (lambda (row) (mapcar #'length row)) in)

#+call get the first row of output table lost when using latex export

org-babel-execute:python does its own formatting. #+call: on the other hand passes the results to Babel.

The workaround is to use:

#+call: t1() :colnames yes

See also

:hlines (See section 13)
:rownames (See section 23)


Controls the insertion of extra comments into the tangled code files to allow backward linking from tangled code blocks to the original code blocks (from which the code was tangled).


  • :comments no: Does not insert any comments in tangled files (beyond those which may already exist in the body of the code block).

  • :comments link: Inserts “tangled from X” comments around the code blocks in the tangled file (with links back to the original Org mode file).

  • :comments yes: Is the same as :comments link.

  • :comments noweb: Inserts comment wrappers (with links back to the original Org mode file) around all embedded noweb sections. Is an enhanced version of :comments link, that can break newlines in <<block>> + 1, for example. XXX

  • :comments org: Includes preceding text from the Org mode file as a comment before the code block (but does not wrap the code with links back to the original Org file).

  • :comments both: Turns on both the link and org comment options.

See also

:tangle (See section 27)

The variable org-babel-tangle-use-relative-file-links controls whether files and links in comments in tangled files use relative or absolute path names (it defaults to relative paths).


Specifies the default (possibly remote) directory during code block execution.


  • nothing: Uses the directory associated with the current buffer.

  • :dir <DIR>: Specifies to use DIR as the default directory for code block execution.


You can use the :dir header argument for remote execution. The directory is specified using using Tramp filename syntax.

:results output seems to be necessary!





ls -la

SELECT 2+2 AS 'four', 1+1 AS 'one';

See also

:file (See section 11)


Appends text to code block body.


  • :epilogue "": (default)

  • :epilogue <TEXT>: Appends the value of the :epilogue header argument to the code block body before execution.

See also

:prologue (See section 21)


Specifies permissions for every execution of code blocks.


  • nothing: If the org-confirm-babel-evaluate variable is nil, allows evaluation of the code block (both interactively and during export) without a confirmation from the user.

  • :eval <any-value-other-than-the-reserved-ones>: If the org-confirm-babel-evaluate variable is nil, allows evaluation of the code block (both interactively and during export) without a confirmation from the user. It undoes the effect of :eval no (and other values disabling evaluation) set at the file or sub-tree level.

  • :eval query: Requires confirmation before evaluating the code block (both interactively and during export), regardless of the value of the org-confirm-babel-evaluate variable.

  • :eval query-export: Allows interactive evaluation of the code block, but requires confirmation before evaluating it during export, regardless of the value of the org-confirm-babel-evaluate variable.

  • :eval never: Inhibits (silently) evaluation of the code block (both interactively and during export). This is useful for protecting against the evaluation of dangerous code blocks.

  • :eval no: Is the same as :eval never.

  • :noeval: Is the same as :eval no.

  • :eval never-export: Allows interactive evaluation of the code block, but inhibits its evaluation during export.

  • :eval no-export: Is the same as :eval never-export.


Sometimes, to switch off execution of code blocks during export, you can find it easy to simply manually generate the results of a code block (e.g., through an interactive evaluation), and set the :eval property of the code block to never-export.

Note that, unlike tangling (See section 27), evaluation requires the specific language to be supported for both performing the evaluation and collecting the results (See section 22).

See also

:cache (See section 3)
:exports (See section 10)
:session (See section 25)

Variable org-confirm-babel-evaluate.


Specifies how code and/or results should be handled during export.


  • :exports none: Doesn’t include anything in the exported file.

  • :exports code: Includes (only) the body of the code block into the exported file.
    (default for Org code blocks)

  • :exports results: Includes (only) the results block in the exported file.
    (default for inline code blocks)
    (default for LaTeX code blocks)
    (default for code blocks in graphics-only languages)

  • :exports both: Includes both the code block and the results (See section 9) in the exported file.


  • When :exports is set to none or code, Org Babel will not run (See section 9) the code block during export, avoiding to (re-)generate the results on every export. In particular, use that on code blocks which cannot be executed (See section 9) on their own.

    This has no effect on interactive evaluation (See section 9), though.

  • When :exports is set to results or both, if evaluation is allowed during export, the code block will be (re-)evaluated (See section 9) during export. Otherwise, the current (unchanged) results block, when present, will be included in the exported file.

  • Note that the :exports option is only relevant for code blocks, not inline code.

  • A code block in a subtree tagged :noexport: will still be evaluated, if evaluation is allowed during export, because its side-effects may be needed for code run elsewhere. If you don’t want that, set :eval accordingly.

See also

:cache (See section 3)
:eval (See section 9)
:results (See section 22)


Specifies to write the results to a file.


  • :file <FILENAME>: Writes the results from the code block evaluation to <FILENAME> and inserts (for the results block) a link to the file into the Org mode buffer.


Extension can be everything: .png, .pdf, .txt, .csv, etc.

When relative, the filename is interpreted relatively to the default directory (See section 7).

  • For graphics-only languages (e.g. asymptote, ditaa, dot, gnuplot, mscgen, plantuml), the “results” is the graphics, and a link to the image is placed in the Org buffer.

  • For general-purpose languages (e.g. emacs-lisp, python, R, ruby, sh), the “results” written to file is the normal Org Babel results (string, number, table).

    When generating graphics, including the :results graphics header argument is required, in addition to :file <FILENAME>, in order for graphical output to be sent automatically to file. If :file is supplied, but not :results graphics, then non-graphical (value or output) results are written to file.

Links to generated images will be expanded to include the contents of the images upon export.

If you then turn on inline images with M-x org-toggle-inline-images, you can preview the generated image from within your Org buffer.

Some languages including R, gnuplot, dot, and ditaa provide special handling of the :file header argument automatically wrapping the code block body in the boilerplate code required to save output to the specified file. This is often useful for saving graphical output of a code block to the specified file.

This means that the argument of the :file header can be omitted and the file name can be generated within the source block.


Saving the textual output from a general-purpose language to a text file

Send the text output of ls -l directly to a file:

ls -l

Recall that :results value is the default.

Saving the graphical output from a general-purpose language to an image file

plot(1:10, (1:10)^2)


Saving the graphical output from a graphics language to an image file

  1. Dotty

    digraph G {
      a -> b [label="hello", style=dashed];
      a -> c [label="world"];
      b -> c;
      b [shape=Mdiamond, label="this is b"];
      c [shape=polygon, sides=5, peripheries=3];


    Recall that :exports results is the default for graphics-only languages.

  2. R

    Choose PNG extension (and not PDF) to preview the results in the Org buffer itself.

    plot(1:10, (1:10)^2)

See also

:dir (See section 7)
:results (See section 22)
:sep (See section 24) (for saving tabular results)


Specifies a description for file results.


Handles horizontal lines in input tables.


  • :hlines no: Strips horizontal lines from the input table.

  • :hlines yes: Preserves horizontal lines in the input table.
    (default for Emacs Lisp code blocks)


Don't confound this with the :colnames (See section 5) machinery.


Key Val
1 one
2 two
3 three
Key Val
1 one
2 two
3 three




The :hlines yes header argument must be set on the call line itself.

((1 "one") (2 "two") (3 "three"))

(("Key" "Val") (1 "one") (2 "two") (3 "three"))

See also

:colnames (See section 5)


Toggles creation of parent directories of target files during tangling.


  • :mkdirp no: Don’t create the directories if they don’t exist.

  • :mkdirp yes: Create the directories if they don’t exist.


Turns off the code blocks expansion during tangling.


:no-expand has no effect during execution.

See also

:noweb (See section 16)
:noweb-ref (See section 17)
:noweb-sep (See section 18)


Specifies when expansion of “noweb” style references should occur.


  • :noweb no: (default)

  • :noweb yes: Expands noweb references in code blocks during both tangling and evaluation (interactively and during export).

  • :noweb strip-export: Expands noweb references in code blocks before the block is tangled or evaluated. However, they will be stripped on export.

  • :noweb no-export: Expands noweb references during tangling and interactive evaluation, but not during export.

  • :noweb tangle: Expands noweb references only during tangling, but not during interactive evaluation nor during export.

  • :noweb eval: Expands noweb references only during interactive evaluation.

Syntax of noweb references

  • <<code-block-name>>: Insert the literal body of code block code-block-name itself.

  • <<code-block-name()>>: Insert the *results of evaluating the code block code-block-name (as obtained with org-babel-execute-src-block). That can be of different types: LaTeX, etc.

  • <<code-block-name(x=3.3)>>: Insert the results of evaluating it with the specified argument value.

Note that you can customize org-babel-noweb-wrap-start and org-babel-noweb-wrap-end to use something else than angle brackets (for example, double quotes).

The Noweb syntax allows the use of **blanks in names of code blocks** (hence, sentences for code block names, so that we can enjoy the literate in literate programming a lot more!) since 2015-02-18.


Expand block

Execute block

Note the parens in the noweb reference:

echo "["
ls *.org | sed 's/$/;/'
echo "]"

Expand variable in tangled code

See also

:comments (See section 6)
:no-expand (See section 15)
:noweb-ref (See section 17)
:noweb-sep (See section 18)
:padline (See section 19)
:tangle (See section 27)

Concept of Noweb references.


Specifies block’s noweb reference resolution target.



This allows you to avoid repeating the reference name in your Org document: if you set this header argument at the file or subtree level, the code blocks will be concatenated into the propagated reference name – if property inheritance is turned on for the noweb-ref property.

About org-babel-use-quick-and-dirty-noweb-expansion: should it be set to ’t’ by default ? I’d be tempted to say yes, given the dramatic performance gain

should org-tangle and org-weave enable “org-babel-use-quick-and-dirty-noweb-expansion” before doing their jobs ? For now I let the default value to be nil, and I was wondering if it wouldn’t be bette to do the opposite instead, that is, enable “quick-and-dirty-noweb-expansion” by default and provide a -noquick option. What do you think ?

The quick and dirty approach removes the ability for headings to inherit the noweb properties of, and override, the properties of its parent header.

That feature enables the true literate programming to remove it would be a great loss.


*** Some subtree

#+begin_src org

#+begin_src org

#+begin_src shell :results output :noweb yes
echo <<accumulated>>


See also

:noweb (See section 16)
:noweb-sep (See section 18)

The variable org-babel-use-quick-and-dirty-noweb-expansion controls XXX


Specifies the string to use to separate accumulated noweb references.


By default a newline is used.

See also

:noweb (See section 16)
:noweb-ref (See section 17)


Controls insertion of padding lines in tangled code files.


  • :padline yes: (default)

  • :padline no: Gets rid of the first blank line preceding tangled output.


The padline is not inserted at the top of the file, only between blocks.

See also

:noweb (See section 16)


Post-processes the results of a code block.


  • Post blocks must return results, eventually by adding a variable to them. For example:

    (shell-command "beep")
  • When a post argument is given, the results of the code block will temporarily be bound to the *this* variable. This variable may then be included in header argument forms such as those used in var header argument specifications allowing passing of results to other code blocks, or direct execution via Emacs Lisp.

  • For example, the :post header argument could link to an Emacs Lisp source code block which does automatically refresh the inline images of (only) certain blocks (and not others).

  • The value of :post should be a Babel call (in the same format as e.g. a #+call line), not an Emacs Lisp form.


We can have a sequence of forward chained blocks with length > 2.

(* 2 in)

(+ 1 in)

Putting the previous two together we get.



whats wrong with this :post header arg:


+header: :post (format “#+attr_latex :float :placement {c}{scale=.6}\n%s” this)

+begin_src emacs-lisp

(+ 2 2)


When I understand

,-— | `-—

correctly, this should hold the block results, but I get

,-— | Symbol’s value as variable is void: this `-—

This works:

(format "Do %sx then quit" x)

(+ 2 2)

Additional header arguments

Additional header arguments may be passed to the :post-function.

The following example illustrates the usage of the :post header argument.

The example shows how to use :post together with the :colnames header argument.

(mapcar (lambda (row)
          (mapcar (lambda (cell)
                    (if (numberp cell)
                        (format fmt cell)



Prepends text to code block body.


  • :prologue "": (default)

  • :prologue <TEXT>: Prepends the value of the :prologue header argument to the code block body before execution.

See also

:epilogue (See section 8)


Specifies the type of results and how they will be collected and handled.


How the code block is evaluated

Specifies how the results should be collected from the code block’s evaluation.

  • :results value (aka functional mode): Specifies that the results of the block is the value of the last statement in your code, turned into an Org mode table if it is a list/vector type object.

  • :results output (aka scripting mode): Specifies that the results will be everything printed to stdout during execution of the code block. The strings collected from stdout are not treated as values, but rather as raw strings.
    (default for Ledger code blocks)

If you get the message Source block produced no output, try adding :results output.

How the results are inserted into the Org mode buffer

  1. Handling params

    Specifies if and how the results should be inserted in the buffer.

    • :results replace: Inserts results after the code block, replacing any previously inserted results.

    • :results silent: Sends the commands, echoes the results in the minibuffer (to see code block output), but does not change the Org mode buffer (even during export, no results are inserted into the exported document).
      (default for Org and Screen code blocks)

    • :results none: Silents the results, even for the minibuffer. By definition, such a code block is run for its side effects.

    • :results append: Builds new results onto existing results.

    • :results prepend: Is the same as append, but puts new results before the existing results.

  2. Type

    Specifies how the results should be interpreted.

    • :results verbatim: Informs explicitly the code block that you will be returning a string, to inhibit its interpretation as a value — the output will neither be converted into a table nor into a list.
      (default for raw, org and drawer results)

    • :results scalar: Is the same as :results verbatim.

    • :results table: Interprets the results as an Org mode table.

    • :results vector: Is the same as :results table.

    • :results list: Writes an Org mode list.

      echo "vino blanco"
      echo "vino rosso"
      echo "vino tinto"
    • :results file: Interprets the results as a file path, and insert it into the buffer using the Org mode file syntax.
      (default for code blocks in graphics-only languages)

    • :results graphics: (extra option for code blocks in maxima, octave and R) XXX

  3. Format

    Specifies what type of results the code block will return.

    • :results raw: Means that the input is a string (so hline processing is not performed).
      (default for Org code blocks)
      (implies verbatim results, unless otherwise stated)

    Note that it is allowable for raw results to include newlines (if the code block returns a newline): the purpose of raw results is specifically to not change the result.

    • :results html: Specifies that the results of the code block is raw HTML code (which can be included correctly in HTML-based export targets).

      Is the same as :wrap HTML.

      Inserts the results inside a #+begin_html block.

    • :results latex: Specifies that the results of the code block is raw LaTeX code (which can be included correctly in LaTeX-based export targets).

      Is the same as :wrap LaTeX.
      (default for LaTeX code blocks)

      Inserts the results inside a #+begin_latex block.

    • :results org: (implies verbatim results, unless otherwise stated)
      Wraps raw Org mode results in a #+begin_src org block (dead data, comma-escaped lines). This will be exported as Org code block (as verbatim or listings to LaTeX).

    • :results drawer: (replacement of :results wrap, since Org 7.9.2)
      (implies verbatim results, unless otherwise stated)
      Wraps code block results in a RESULTS drawer. This has the benefit of delimiting your results, and can be useful for really inserting pure Org mode syntax in the buffer (live data, not escaped) — which can be included correctly in all export targets.

      You can put anything in your drawer besides a headline and another drawer.

      Why are drawers not the default for results? Because the block may insert a headline, or another drawer, within the results drawer, thus breaking the document!

        cat <<EOF
        | a | b |
        | 1 | 2 |

      a b
      1 2



    • :results code: This will be exported as code block (as verbatim or listings to LaTeX).

    • :results pp: Prints data. Puts the output in an EXAMPLE block? XXX

      You might try

      (cons (org-entry-get (point) "header-args" t)
            (nth 2 (org-babel-get-src-block-info)))

         >> #+begin_src R :results pp replace
         >> c(“* New header2", "<./graph1.pdf>", "", "* and second header”, “and some text” )
         >> #+end_src
         >> #+results:
         >> : ** New header2
         >> : <./graph1.pdf>
         >> :
         >> : ** and second header
         >> : and some text

    I don’t quite understand your code below and what it is supposed to do.

    Drawers are probably better in most cases, but this code lets you use
    ’:results pp replace’ while developing, but converts the fixed-width pp
    results into raw results when desired (e.g. in a buffer copy before some
    action is taken).

    OK - I see. But what is the advantage in this approach? Drawer do
    perfectly what I want, i.e. encapsulating an org structure in a for
    replacement when re-calculated, inside the drawer they behave like
    normal org structure (folding, …) and upon export they are exported as
    org code would be - or am I missing something?

    There are none (for you) then, but it might be useful anyway in some
    situations, at least the results look more like part of the document
    when you care about the looks of the org file too (not only the export


With raw, as there are no obvious markers to delimit the results in the Org mode buffer, there is no way to know where raw results begin or end. So, :results raw replace will never work as expected: raw results cannot be removed (they become part of the buffer), and you’ll get duplicates when re-evaluating the code block.

The sole purpose of raw results is to allow inserting an headline (a real headline, not comma protected) in the buffer, because headlines cannot be contained in anything else than headlines.

raw behaviour is only “useful” (i.e., mandatory) when you want to insert a headline (or a drawer) as a result of a code block evaluation. But then, you lose the ability to replace results.

If the generated code doesn’t contain an headline, you don’t need raw results.

In any other case, drawer+replace is the superior choice.

The best and simplest solution for automatically generating org headlines for export is…

…never to execute the source block by hand in org source file. That way, the results will appear only in the temporary copy of the buffer is parsed for export and one does need to worry about demarcating the output with a :RESULTS: drawer…

Workaround: a block wrapper makes it possible for the entirety of the results to be clearly located, regardless of their contents, and replaced (with new results) by Babel upon code block re-evaluation.

No matter how special the results drawer is, it cannot (and shouldn’t) contain headlines.

> Or wrap the results in a drawer when you type C-c C-c, but render them as
> raw on export (which removes the drawer and replaces with raw results).
> Like so:
> #+header: :results (if (boundp ’backend) “raw” “drawer”)
> #+begin\_src emacs-lisp :exports both
> (format “\* headline\n1\n2\n5\n”)
> #+end\_src

That’s a very nice tip - one small weakness is that it’ll do the wrong
thing if you just happen to have a binding for “backend” outside of the
export mechanism.

A naked “tildes” will be marked up as “\verb~tildes~” under :results raw or :results latex raw, and as “tildes” under :results latex.


Interpreting the results as a file path

See also

:exports (See section 10)
:file (See section 11)
:wrap (See section 30)


Handles row names in tables.


  • :rownames no: (default)

  • :rownames yes: Tells Org that your first column contains row names.

See also

:colnames (See section 5)
:wrap (See section 30)


Specifies a delimiter for reading or writing tabular results.


  • nothing: Uses TAB as default separator.

  • :sep <SEPARATOR>: Sets separator to <SEPARATOR>.


Saving the tabular output to a CSV file

Save the output of ls -l as a .csv file.

ls -l

Recall that :results value is the default.

See also

:file (See section 11)


Shares data and persists state between (evaluation of) different code blocks.


  • :session none: Disables session-based evaluation.

  • :session <NAME>: Performs evaluation using a persistently running inferior process to which the code block is submitted.
    (default for Screen code blocks: session name set to default)


  • If a code block has a :session header argument, then it is assumed that the block should be evaluated regardless of its :exports header argument, because it could change the state of the session.

  • Even if you don’t need to share data between blocks, you can still use sessions in order not to wait for the interpreter to start up for each block!

  • This also allows for manual inspection of the results of evaluation.

  • When you work on different files at the same time, you may want to use:

    • the same session, or
    • differently named sessions (running their own process).
  • Adding session to a shell source block has the following impact: commands will be run from ~ directory (instead of the local one).

See also

:eval (See section 9)
:exports (See section 10)


Uses preamble for tangled files (and make them executable).


  • :shebang <SHEBANG>: Specifies the shebang.


The preamble line is only used for tangling, not during evaluation.

Note that whenever a file is tangled which includes a shebang line, Org Babel will make the file executable, so there is good reason to only add shebangs at the source-code level.


Set the shebang.

printf "with a shebang line, I can be run as a script!\n"


Toggles tangling and specify file name.


  • :tangle no: (default)

  • :tangle yes: Tangles to a target file named after the name of the Org mode file ($(basename).<MODE-EXT>).

  • :tangle <FILENAME>: Specifies an alternate target file.


Tangling works for any programming language (even those which have yet to be created and have no explicit Emacs or Org mode support) because, on tangling, the code block is simply treated as text.

Blocks to the same target file are concatenated during tangling, IN THE ORDER AT WHICH THEY APPEAR IN THE ORG SOURCE FILE.

Blocks which are under a COMMENT’ed heading (including parents) are not tangled.

Propagating changes back from tangled code to Org mode blocks (aka “detangling”) is possible with the function org-babel-detangle.

See also

:noweb (See section 16)


Controls the permissions of tangled files.




Passes arguments to code blocks.


  • :var <NAME>=<VALUE>: Assigns a default value (literal or reference to a literal, a table, a list or a code block) to the argument.


Multiple var specifications behind a single :var are allowed. The multiple var arguments must be comma-separated:

#+PROPERTY: header-args :var foo=1, bar=2

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(+ foo bar)

: 3


#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var foo="hello", bar="world"
(concat foo " " bar)

: hello world
TODO Question about prefix char
So, the prefix char of such lines should be `|`, `:` or `-`?

The value passed to an argument can be:

  • a literal value:

    • string (value wrapped in double quotes)
    • number
  • a reference to named data, such as:

    • literal example block
    • (part of) a table (when naming a table, #+name: should replace #+tblname:, which still exists for backwards compatibility)
    • (level-1) list
  • a reference to the results of a named code block

  • Emacs Lisp code

    Look in the manual at the description of what causes header arguments to be interpreted as Emacs Lisp.

    Note -- Eric means about ’(…) or (…)

    Arbitrary Emacs Lisp can be placed inside of header arguments, and the org-sbe take the name of a code block and returns its results.

To specify a subset of a table, give a [row,column] index.

  • Indices are numerical and begin at 0.
  • Column names, hlines and row names do count in the indexes.
  • Negative numbers imply counting back from the end.
  • Ranges (consecutive rows or columns) are specified using the colon notation first:last.
  • If row or column is empty, then all rows or all columns are taken.

To reference a variable in an external file, use the syntax :var data=<FILE>:<VAR>. Note that, in order to work, the files must be in the same directory.

:var introduces code block dependencies. include anything in the Org mode file that takes a #+name:, #+begin_example blocks, other code blocks, and the results of other code blocks. When a reference is made to another code block, the referenced block will be evaluated whenever needed, in order to supply its value to the referencing block. If the referenced block is cached (see @ref{cache}), its value will be reused if possible, instead of being re-calculated. If the referring code block is cached, its hash value will depend on the value of all the code blocks it references.


Literal string


Literal number


Reference to a literal example block

Les sanglots longs
des violons de l'automne
Les sanglots longs
des violons de l'automne

Reference to part of a table

0 foo1 bar1
1 foo2 bar2
2 foo3 bar3
1 foo2 bar2
2 foo3 bar3
1 foo2 bar2
2 foo3 bar3
id var1 var2
0 foo1 bar1
1 foo2 bar2
2 foo3 bar3

Reference to a list

  • foo
  • bar
  • baz
foo bar baz

Reference to a code block

It is possible to chain code blocks (possibly in different languages) in :var lines, as shown:

1 4 7 10
2 5 8 11
3 6 9 12


Delimit the results (of source block evaluation).


  • nothing: Tells Org Babel not to wrap the results.

  • :wrap: Specifies to wrap the results in a #+begin/end_results block.

  • :wrap <MARKUP>: Specifies the name of the block (#+begin/end_<markup>) with which to wrap the results.

XXX How to unset it (when set in a higher level)?


The :wrap header argument gives you control over the formatting of results from code blocks.


Using :wrap with no value

The following example wraps the results in #+begin_results#+end_results block.

1 4 7 10
2 5 8 11
3 6 9 12

Using :wrap with a string value

The following examples puts the output in an example block.

Some results wrapped in an example block.

Using :wrap to produce a source code block in a named language

The following examples puts the results into a SRC code block (associated to the c++ mode).

On LaTeX export, the SRC block will be exported as c++ code under listings instead of being wrapped in a \begin{verbatim}..\end{verbatim} environment.

Alternatively, you can use the :post header argument to wrap the results in a source block.

See also

:results (See section 22)